Ideas are sensuous and affective; things are affective and noetic. Thinking is a physical activity. These essays are thinking with words, images, tequila, delirium, ecstatic states, death, and more. I taught at UC Berkeley for many years; and a few at the SF Art Institute. I wrote that there book. Thanks for reading.
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About this project
Can a philosopher make his living as a philosopher, independent of academia? Does this new publishing platform promise a certain democracy of knowledge? Does it make possible the independence, and liveliness, of thought? You tell me.
These "lectures" are thoughts in process. The first few are from a class I taught at UC Berkeley. The rest are delivered into a mic, alone in my room, to an imagined ideal audience.
What interests me throughout is the event of thinking, the turns and folds in thought that make this life interesting.
Just wondering what text you are reading from in this podcast..
Great lectures!
Thank you
It is from Deleuze and Guattari's exquisite _What is Philosophy?_.
Thanks for the encouragement, truly.
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